Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center (MARC)

Dr. Elizabeth Englander, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center (MARC)

Dr. Meghan McCoy, Manager of Programs of the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center (MARC)
Dr. Elizabeth Englander is the founder and Executive Director of the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center at Bridgewater State University, a Center which delivers programs, resources, and research for the state of Massachusetts and nationwide. As a researcher and a professor of Psychology for 25 years, she is a nationally recognized expert in the area of bullying and cyberbullying, childhood causes of aggression and abuse, and children’s use of technology. She was named Most Valuable Educator by the Boston Red Sox and in 2018, Massachusetts Governor Charles Baker appointed her to his Juvenile Justice Advisory Council. She is also on the Scientific Advisory Board for the Institute of Child Development and Digital Media.
Meghan K. McCoy, Ed.D. is the Manager of Programs at the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center, at Bridgewater State University. Dr. McCoy is also an Adjunct Faculty of Psychology at BSU. She has a BA in Psychology, a M.Ed. in School Counseling, and an EdD in Curriculum, Teaching, Learning, and Leadership from Northeastern University. Her work focuses on social and emotional learning for older teens and young adults, bullying, cyberbullying and digital use among children and teens. Dr. McCoy works with and trains K-12, undergraduate, and graduate students and consults in K-12 education. She has presented her work and the work of MARC at many state, regional, national, and international conferences and has published work in many peer reviewed journals.